1. Information collection 1.1. We are committed to protecting your privacy. TigerKing VPN will not collect personal information, including your name, email and other information. When you use our application, we may collect the following information: · Internet service provider · Device operating system version · Equipment manufacturer and model · Device ID · Device language · Application version 1.2 Detailed description of the automated data collection process: We collect technical data generated when using our VPN service through automated technologies, such as server logging. This includes, but is not limited to, monitoring your service usage, detecting connection quality, and identifying any possible service issues or security threats. These monitoring and tracking mechanisms ensure that we can respond promptly and continuously improve service quality. 1.3 Detailed explanation of legal basis and purpose of collection: By reiterating that our collection and processing of data is based on your consent, we also emphasize that this process is consistent with our contractual obligations to provide you with VPN services. In addition, our data collection ensures that our operations comply with relevant laws and regulations, as well as the inherent need to improve service quality and develop new features. Within this framework, we remain committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. 1.4 Detailed explanation of legal basis and purpose of collection: By reiterating that our collection and processing of data is based on your consent, we also emphasize that this process is consistent with our contractual obligations to provide you with VPN services. In addition, our data collection ensures that our operations comply with relevant laws and regulations, as well as the inherent need to improve service quality and develop new features. Within this framework, we remain committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. · We store this information to provide you with the best online experience. We need this information to deploy and optimize our servers to ensure we can provide high quality service. We generally analyze this information and keep the data secure. 2. Use of information Our software may send diagnostic data to third-party analytics providers in order to identify connection errors and possible bugs in our applications. The information collected is generic in nature and does not contain personally identifiable information. We will never infringe on the personal privacy of any user when processing the data collected 3. Contact details Contact us with zhengyun.chen@hkflashup.com